Friday 16 August 2013

Weeks 21 & 22

For the past 2 weeks I have had an ear infection in both ears. The 5 day course of antibiotics didn't seem to clear it up nor did the ear drops but I am FINALLY starting to be able to hear things better, instead of feeling like I'm constantly under water. I now have this strange cough that I only seem to get at night. Luckily Geoff sleeps through anything - me coughing, blowing my nose and vomiting. Hopefully not a baby crying though. He'll definitely need to wake up for that!

I can feel Jellybean moving around more, usually it's at night when I go to bed but today I have noticed it quite frequently. Apparently now it is able to hear noises and can respond to the sound of my voice and music and the phone ringing etc.

I've ordered the nappy bag and the cradle was delivered the other day, so I've put that together (all by myself!). Have to start thinking about the baby shower now, decide if I want to hire a room somewhere or just have it at home. I am still thinking about it being a joint birthday celebration/house-warming as well. Then I have to get started on making the invitations.

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